Saturday, February 6, 2010

The first week in February! UUuuuuhhhhh

Okay, so it's Saturday and I'm online blogging.. there could only be one reason for this: yep.. my hubby is once more at work! I understand he has a lot of work to do so I am not complaining.. instead - I'm blogging!!

So this past week was an strange yet interesting one. It started off last Saturday morning on a high, when I got my new bicycle.. then went low..low..low with the hubby working all weekend long! Now, I am home all day long yet somehow I don't always get around to the things I plan to do. I think this has a lot to do with me 'dilly dallying' on a morning.. so by the time I get up, have my breakfast, tidy up.. it's already afternoon!

This week however I was able to do some interesting things online.. only because my hubby was working late so by the time afternoon came around, I had lots of time to dedicate to my online life. So let me quickly share what I've been up to this past week. I have to hurry because I am going to ride my bicycle with the two Ana's now!

Somehow I got it in my head, about two weeks ago, to try and earn money online. It all started when I discovered GoogleAdsense and everything spiraled from there. So in a nutshell, my online time was spent on the following sites this week:
1) Webanswers - I've written about my obsession with this site before so I won't bother to go into detail once more. You can check out some of the answers that I got awarded. People ask about so many things on this site, that the site becomes addictive. Clicking on the link will take you to the different answers but make sure and right click and put - open in a new tab or else you will leave my blog: Why webanswers?Remember a questionTongue on a frozen polePreferred Travel MethodLearning Something New and Favorite Quote. These are just a few of the many questions and answers out there!

2) Hubpages - Now this is a site I LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! I recently joined. You can check out my hubpages profile here. Okay so already I've written 3 hubs. Okay this is not many but I like to take my time and try and be creative. You can check out my hubs at: Digital Scrapbooking FreebiesPanasonic Lumix Cameras and Love for DS. Today I jotted down 13 different ideas for future hubs - some on places I've traveled to, some on Brazil, home stuff, recipes etc. If you have any ideas of hubs you'll like to see me write.. leave a comment and let me know! I've met nice people online at hubpages and wow.. there's so many great hubs to read that it can definitely keep you occupied.

3) Yousaytoo For all you bloggers out there, this is a good site to join. Here you can also earn money from GoogleAdsense as well as it promotes your blog. Any postings that you do on your blog, automatically shows up on your yousaytoo profile page. Also, I've made friends there and I like reading what other bloggers are writing.

So that's how I spent my time in cyber space! Believe me, all this reading and writing can be time consuming! And don't forget - I have my wifely duties to perform as well - you know what I mean - cooking, cleaning and washing :-)

Before you go, let me tell you about one last thing. I signed you to do a TESOL online course. This stands for Teaching English as Second or Other Language. I signed you and already completed my first assignment. You should have seen me, making notes like I was back in school. I have a cool notebook so I'm writing away. And then for the assignment.. well I tried my best. I have to send it to my online tutor for him to grade on Monday. Wish me luck! So when I am finished with the TESOL course I will get a certificate. This should help my chances at getting a job here in Brazil to teach English! I'm excited... well provided I pass the course of COURSE :-)

So this week I was very busy... but I'm missing my hubby plenty. I miss our afternoon walks and then our tv time! Anyways soon he'll be back to his regular schedule and then it's Rio Carnival 2010!

Gotta go change to go riding!
Have a wonderful weekend all.

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