Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Try Webanswers Today

Okay folks, 

I'm off to bed soon but I wanted to share this with you. If anyone is interested in earning money online - I would recommend Webanswers. It is fun, you get to help people, learn new things all the time and even get help if you want by simply asking questions and off course answering! I've been blogging about it for quite some time now and I earn money on a monthly basis that comes in pretty handy for all kinds of things - a nice dinner out, buying stuff from Amazon, and even paying for clothes online. So don't drag your feet. You can sign up by clicking on this WEBANSWERS link. Enjoy! 


Feeling Restless

I don't know what it is but today I am already feeling really restless. I know I have stuff to do around the apartment and I also have a book to read and make notes which I have been doing for the past week but I am really dragging my feet on this one. I don't know why I can't just focus myself and get down to business. It could be the heat, or just me being lazy no ass! 

Just to share - I am a huge fan of the casinos. I love to play the slot machines. Haven't won anything major as yet but when I went home for Christmas we visited the casino a couple of times and I had fun. However, in Brazil I am yet to enter a casino...or even see one for that matter. So I was being very idle the other day and I came across a website where I can just click away and play free slot machines online with the sounds and everything - mind you this is a HUGE time waster! But for a ten - fifteen minutes I don't mind ... that is if you can control yourself and not spend an hour in this virtual world. You can check it out at

Well have a great day folks. Hopefully I settle my ass down and get stuff done around here. 
Luv Lee 

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