Friday, April 4, 2014

So many things...

Hello All,

I'm sure everyone is excited that today is Friday and in some parts of the world it's already Saturday morning. I have so many little things to do that I keep making lists, scratching out completed tasks, amending and organizing but more and more things keep cropping up. I am presently sitting here with the list in front of me and what do I decide to do? I decided to write a blog post about the many things I have to do, instead of just getting down to it, especially since my son is asleep and I have some peace and quiet to think. Procrastination to the highest! Oh well, maybe I should go have something to drink and a snack. :)

Happy Friday all! Have a great weekend.

A friend posted this on facebook and it's so truePhoto

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Little things in Life

Good morning all! Happy Monday

Right now I am super excited! Got me thinking about the little things in life that make us happy. Living away from home, away from our family and friends is not easy. Trinidad and all that it represents is always on our mind. However, life here with our little family unit is great. We spend a lot of time playing, teaching and loving our son and each other. This morning my husband booked our tickets for a little getaway for us to go visit some family, spend some time on the beach and even do a little shopping. Something to look forward to. That keeps me going! Sad? I don't know but who cares! Now at least I can plan our trip, talk about it incessantly and consume myself with all things vacation related! 

Have fun people, I'm off to cook and tidy up and dream my dreams!

Luv ya

Friday, March 14, 2014


As you might know by now, I have a toddler. And we love him so much. Over the years I've become a homebody, mainly stemming from Brazil and then following through in Houston. Well this week I decided to change that and start finally making new friends up here and not just relying on my friends back home. After all, those back home can only contact me via the many social outlets. So I bravely took up an invitation and took my son on not one but two play dates this week. Back to back! One day we spent some time with a really fantastic girl and her son. It was so nice talking to another adult who's not my husband! And a girl at that! She was really nice and made me feel so comfortable and shared so much with me. Inspired, I took up another invitation and went out the next evening to meet up with not one but about seven other mothers and their nine kids. What fun!! It was so good to see my son interacting with other kids - kind of! Well now that I've gotten a taste of the "outside" world, I can't wait for next week for our next play date! YAY me! :-) I am only doing this for our son, otherwise I think I would have continued just staying indoors and you know what, I would have missed out on meeting so many lovely gals! I can't wait for when I have to carry him to football practice and swimming etc. I would love to be a "soccer mom" :) 

Friday, March 7, 2014


Morning Folks,

How you are this fine, slightly chilly Friday morning? I love Fridays cause it means my husband is going to be home with us on the weekend and it's fun time. I shouldn't sound like that cause every evening is fun time for this little munchkin we have. It's either park, walks, football in the apartment or something for him. Anyways, I digress. So we decided to go to Disney for a mini vacation and my gosh, since I got that in my head I've been busy trying to plan, read up on everything and guess what.. it's stressing me out! Sometimes I think that the internet has too much information. Is that possible? Or is there even a thing as too much information? I think there is. It takes a lot to filter through some of the nonsense to get to the gist of things. Anyways, if you have any advice on anything Disney related, like maybe hotel suggestions, please feel free to drop me a line. I would love to hear from you.

Have a great Friday and fantastic weekend.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Such is life

Good morning World,

I decided to visit my blog this morning for a quick post. Just made my son's breakfast for him and I want to go make eggs from a recipe I saw this weekend. I recently lost someone I've always considered to be a very good friend. I didn't lose this friend to death, but to me to something worst. It's taking me some time but I am realizing that I can't always be the one to make the grand gesture, the one who has to always be the one try and keep the friendship going. If you keep battling to keep something that doesn't want to be kept, what's the point?

I found the attached photo online. It's a quote from friendship quotes on twitter. And it's so true, I can't always be the one to keep fighting. At times people do indeed need to fight for you and if they don't, then you have to learn to live with the result. Which is what I now need to learn to do, frankly because I'm tired. I'm done. I don't have any fight left in me anymore for this relationship. It was great while it lasted, but I think that my family needs more attention more than time wasted on this. I wish my friend all the best, as well as all the luck in the world. Sorry things had to turn out this way but maybe a little loyalty would have been great.

Okay enough on this topic. I'm off to try that egg recipe. It looked so delicious in the pics. Let's hope mine come out like that. Have a great day people. Life can't always be ups. 

Luv Lee

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I joined twitter a long time ago but only started tweeting when a friend of mine encouraged me to. I hardly tweet but I think maybe I should get more into it. Just another thing to waste time :-) You can find me on twitter @Leandraluv I think! See I don't even know how to properly use the darn thing. Anyways people keep in touch. It's a new year HAPPY NEW YEAR. All the best for the upcoming year.. at least the next 10 months that are left. Geez time flying so fast. Just now will be my son's two year birthday. Time sure does fly. And oh year I'll be getting older like everyone else. Somehow it's not so exciting looking forward to a birthday when it's in your 30's. Maybe I should embrace it and change my thinking. Okay back to child rearing. Have a good day people

I took that photo in Micah's doctor office. I rotated it but not sure why it showing up there. Oh well turn your head and read it.


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